Wednesday, October 5, 2011



The good news is that we are getting older by the minute! Don't you think we should all get kudos for just staying on the planet, in whatever shape we are in, as long as we have? And rather you see life as the great adventure, or as a duty to be performed to the best of your abilities, you've made it this far and you should get credit for that alone! How about giving yourself a party to celebrate just being wherever you are just now. You could invite other folks to cheer you on if you'd like, or you may prefer to do your celebrating all by yourself. Just remember to acknowledge the efforts you've made to accomplish your current situation, and give yourself some sort of reward - like a Thai foot massage!

As we begin our exploration into what in my book, Ask Yourself! Questions that Guide you Through Life's Transitions, I've called "Facing up to Aging in our Society." I particularly want to bring to your attention these wise words by author and sociologist Mary Pipher about the next part of life for many of us:  "Soon our country will be avalanched by old people, and those people will be us.  In a few decades, our solutions to the dilemmas of caring for our elders will be applied to our own lives.  The kindness, the indifference, the ignorance, and the wisdom will be passed on.  The more we love and respect our elders, the more we teach our children to love and respect us.  The more we think through problems today, the more organization and cultural structures will be in place to handle our generation's needs."

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